Best Books to Read (October 2020)

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A History of the Future. Prophets of Progress from H.G. Wells to Isaac Asimov.

By Peter J. Bowler

Recommended by Dom Brennan

Peter Bowler reviews the zetigeists that gave birth to the sci-fi fantasies of the 20th century, considering all sci-fi hopes - or fears - of the day. From early monorails to nuclear power, this book highlights the works of fiction that captured the imagination of authors and readers alike; not attempting to evaluate their predicitve capabilites, but instead delving in to why these ideas captivated the sci-fi writers and the public in turn. A brilliant book for history buffs and sci-fi readers, it's certainly unique in its own right.

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Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air

By David Mackay 

Recommended by Dom Brennan

A ground-up approach to energy generation. Brilliant for visualisation of what demand actually is and how that demand is reached by renewables/nuclear/gas etc. Released for free online at


The State of Nuclear Energy


Micro Adventures – Straight Out Your Front Door