University of Bristol
PhD: An Investigation into Corrosion and Leaching of Carbide Fuels in a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) Setting
Uranium Carbide is one of the so-called “exotic fuels”, having been part of the early UK nuclear research programme, along with its utilisation as accelerator target in facilities like CERN. This compound is well-known among researchers for its interactions with water and oxygen. This PhD will inquire onto the interaction of carbides with these two corrodents, both being present in the groundwater, to which they will inevitably come in contact with inside the environment of a geological disposal facility setting.
What did you want to be when you were younger?
An Astronaut - exploring the unknown vastness of space, going to worlds where no-one has gone before, (potentially!) meeting new forms of sentient life!
If you could choose two famous people (dead or alive) to have dinner with, who would you choose?
Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius - both of them having been two of the greatest philosophers of all time, both proponents of Stoicism and the latter being one of the few (not more than a handful) good Roman Emperors.
Would you rather have invisibility or flight - why?
Flight, I could travel all around the world and reach places that are unreachable (it would probably not be a very wide distance range, but it would be enough)!